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DIY Clothing Hacks: How to Transform your wardrobe on a budget

Are you battling with the same war of “owning a lot of clothes” but finding them all boring. And despite all of your attempts of organizing your wardrobe, you simply have a hard time coming to terms with the realization that some of the things you have no longer make you happy.

Upcycling your clothes in order to make them appear more fashionable and stylish is an effective way for reusing your clothes, irrespective of your taste in fashion or financial circumstances. This is particularly beneficial to college students who seek ways to recycle their clothes while continuing to show off their unique sense of style.

To pull off these styles, you don't need the skills of an expert designer. Your worn-out clothes can be given a fresh start with just a little spark of imagination! Here are ways to update your clothing collection without breaking the bank.

Break it up.

Cutting up your previous t-shirts in a do-it-yourself technique has become one of the trendiest approaches for customising them. In either case, you're going to end up with an amazing Tee. You may cut the collar off to achieve an off-the-shoulder look, or you may cut off sections from the bottom to create braided straps.

Make it short.

Are you trying to find an innovative way that can give an outdated garment in the back area of your wardrobe an update or add a unique flair to the matching set of trousers that everyone in your circle of friends hold? Just take a centimetre or five off the bottom, and you're going to be sporting an entirely different outfit.

Play around with the dye.

Make use of dipping dyeing in order to give some of your previously plain t-shirts made of cotton a fresh take on life. You aren't required to shell out a lot of your own money for converting your everyday clothes into fashionable forms of art, with methods such as tie, ombré, or Shibori dye.

Transforming old worn out jeans into shorts

Buying an additional pair of shorts isn't as straightforward as it would look. It's almost impossible to get your hands on the ideal jeans that will fit correctly similarly to any other kind of clothes. Make your previous pair of shorts made of denim or cut-offs a single item rather than buying a new pair—they're the classic tropical staple!

You have a lot more choices than just jeans. Actually, you can choose a previous pair of trousers that you think fit better, like khaki pants, chinos or any other pair you can repair.

What You Require

  • An item of cloth that you might wish to alter

  • Chalk

  • a pair of fabric or sharp scissors

  • Sandpaper,

  • thread, and needle


Put on a pair of pants first, then use the chalk to mark what length you want. Following that, remove them and place them straight on a flat surface. On the opposite side of the leg, make the second mark. Mark the sides so you may join them.

For the other leg, repeat the exact same approach. Gauge the total length of your inseam (the stitching that runs from the top of the hip to the bottom of the leg) to ensure the lines are equal.

Using a pair of scissors, cut through the angled line traced with chalk. After that, to achieve an appearance that is cleaner, remove unwanted threads that are sticking out.

If the old and torn jeans look annoys you, you may want to think about transforming your jeans into shorts. To get this desired output, make a cuff out of the fabric by folding the bottom edge outward twice. To keep the cuffs in place, stitch up the sides.

Brush sandpaper around the outermost portion of the hem in order to give a ragged look. The denim fibres can also be pulled with tweezers, although this may require more time.

Congratulations! you have succeeded in creating a short all by yourself without paying additional money.

Hack to eliminate the annoying waist gap

Have you discovered a pair of perfect jeans that complement your physique and lengthen your body? All is great until you get that irritating large gap at waist level.

Although a waist belt may assist with this sartorial mishap, you don't want to take the danger of wearing a large mass that may totally spoil your look, do you? Luckily, there's an easy and fantastic solution for this particular problem!

What You Require

  • A shoelace strand


Pass the shoelace through those belt loops that are on the rear of your jeans.

After that, draw the lace in the direction that matches your jeans' rear and knot it into a bow. When you do this, the waistband of the pants will pull itself together.

If you want to hide the shoelace, slide it behind your waist and you're done.

Funky add ons that can revamp your old wardrobe

A minimal embroidery element, such as pockets and buttons, are able to subtly and easily enhance your overall look. You can execute this approach with any of your ordinary shirts! For an eye-catching style, opt for an embroidered or zany patterned design. In addition to giving a new life to your boring and old tshirt it will also complement your style with these funky buttons and pockets.

As an alternative, you might consider giving your simple sweaters elbow patches for an updated classic style. While typical elbow patches are created out of suede or leather, you can certainly recreate this style by using any leftover fabric.

Essential Items for Your Pockets:

  • An amusing piece of fabric

  • Simple pins

  • A string of thread and needle

  • A metal


To do this, first cut a pocket sized square of the clothing. Take sharp scissors and cut the bottom corners while keeping the fabric in equal halves. Once you open the garment you’ll observe that you’ve succeeded in creating a pocket.

Now your square pocket is ready to be placed on its designated place on the shirt. To make it easier, pin the pocket and start sewing, maintaining the neatness in your work.

The fabric's corners need to be folded together to create a little hem prior to being pinged down.

The following will allow ample space for stitching the pocket onto the shirt without causing damage to the pocket's front portion.

For the purpose of keeping them in place, one can either iron through the folded hems or sew the hems together. Retaining the hem folded is the ultimate goal.

Lastly, make sure to iron the pocket and shirt and you’ve successfully accomplished your task.

If you're not really interested in arts and crafts, dressing the exact same clothes in new ways is the easiest way of updating your clothing collection. Your favorite pair of skinny jeans and plain Tee are yelling to be changed; all that you have to do is brainstorm and come up with a few creative concepts to liven up your closet.

Whether your sense of fashion is athletic, informal, or smart casual, specialists urge you keep your focus on improving it via giving your clothing choices deeper meaning. Completing your look with accessories is essential and you may change things up by wearing different jewelry, sliding in an eye-catching jacket, changing up your style of hair, or integrating different handbags or shoes. You can easily infuse personality into your apparel and overall style by accessorizing.